Monster Journal #6

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    Botsai is considered an advanced Karate form. It comes after one has learned the five Pinans (Heians in Japanese), actually seems to sum up the Pinans, and opens the door to even more advanced forms.

    Application 43 is one of the first techniques from the form, and it tends to enlighten the student.

    The quick twist of the hips, the attempt to make the whole body go as fast as the opponent’s hands, this form does things to the student.

    One should, however, study the Pinans first, and make sure that one has the proper foundation.

    That said, here is application 43 from the old Kang Duk Won. Enjoy.

The Attacker prepares to punch.


The Attacker steps forward with the right foot as he executes a right punch. The Defender steps back with the left foot into a front stance as he executes a right cross palm block.

The Attacker executes a left punch. The Defender executes a right inward middle block.


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Monster Martial Arts

The Monster Journal!

Issue 6

June 25, 2011

The Secret of the



The Secret of the Three Month Black Belt!

How to Go Neutronic in the Martial Arts!

Application 43 from Bot Sai


The Attacker executes a right punch. The Defender executes a left middle outward block.

The Defender stumps the right foot slightly forward in a front stance as he executes a right punch.


This technique should be done faster and faster, until the student overcomes the idea that his blocks can't keep up. When the student gets the idea that his hands are moving independent of him, or that he is taking direct control of his hands, without the body, then he is doing this technique right.

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Thinking is mental chatter, and it has no value, while thought comes from the human being, is generated by the human being, and decides the course of the universe. Thinking is just mental static generated to occupy the human beings mind for who knows why, it has no real purpose. If you can get rid of thinking it is like getting rid of the static so that you can perceive the actual thought that causes and moves the universe.

The essence of martial arts is to get rid of extraneous thinking so that the mind can function efficiently and without chatter (or at least gets out of the way). In other words, you sink your concentration into a form, a drill, a discipline, freestyle, so that there is no distractive thinking, there is only the doing of the action without any mental thinking going on, and the human being sees to his survival in quick and easy terms.


Now, here comes the punchline: thinking is defined as facial expressions, self blame, frustration, emotion of any kind, mental cogitations over the efficiency of technique and the best way to implement and so on, philosophical meanderings, and so on. Thus, when doing a form, a technique, a drill, freestyle, or anything in the martial arts, you silence the thinking-you just ignore it and continue without any static byplay, mental chatter, or any sort of mind generated distractions. This will enable you to perceive the world as it is (not as mentally distractive fantasizing), and to enact the strategies you have decided (thought) upon, and practiced diligently and with one (silent) mindedness.

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Now, this is how you get rid of thinking and follow the decision you made when you first stepped onto the martial arts path. This will enable you to enter that zen-like state of mind called ‘Mushin No Shin (mind of no mind) that is the ultimate expression of martial arts discipline. Do not try this single minded approach outside the dojo, for it is only through discipline that you will be able to enact it; if you do apply this in the dojo, it is the way to go Neutronic in the Martial Arts.


Remember, don’t try to instill discipline into the mind unless you are actually engaged in instilling discipline through the martial arts. The discipline of the mind won’t be absorbed unless you are disciplining the body simultaneously. Do the martial arts, concentrate on what you are doing to the exclusion of mental chatter.




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The Secret of the Three Month Black Belt

    Why a Three Month Black Belt? That’s a good question, and it deserves a good answer.

    One, the world needs it. There is a rite of passage that occurs when one travels the journey to Black Belt, and this rite of passage is found nowhere else...and the world needs it.

    Simply, because there are no apprenticeships, because parents over protect their children, children don’t grow up.


    Martial Arts, properly done, make a person grow up. The student matures. This fact is pointed out by the terms Kyu and dan (in the Japanese) and they indicate evolution to a state of maturity.

    This writer would call it a state of responsibility.

    Should we wait four years for a person to grow up and become responsible for his actions?

    Should we risk people being too long on the runway, dropping out, failing because of the vagaries of life?


    Thus, a Three Month Black Belt is not only is necessary now!

    The problem, of course, is going to be with the old school, the people who have put in the time, and think that a Three Month Black Belt somehow makes less of what they have achieved. The fact is that it doesn’t make less of their sweat and blood, it merely enhances the martial arts, enables more people to reach their level, and at a high quality. Very high.

    That said, come the good is a Three Month Black Belt. I’ll address that exactly. A Three Month Black Belt has the knowledge (more knowledge, actually) but not the experience.

    In the area of fighting, which I don’t wish to address, but which I know everybody will be most curious, a Four Year Black Belt could beat a Three Month Black in freestyle, he’s got the experience.

    But, the learning curve of the Three Month Black Belt, because he has the knowledge, is going to be tremendously high. Thus, give it a few more months, and the situation may easily be reversed. A Three Month Black Belt’s learning curve is that high.

    That brings us to an interesting question: what’s next?

    What’s next is a program whereby I take my student through the next couple of belt levels. It is important that I tell you this, because if I can predict what is going to happen, it will validate Matrixing as a science.

    For the next belt level, the Second Black Belt, we are going to do Shaolin Butterfly. Bear in mind that my student, EW, has achieved Coordinated Body Motion (CBM). This has turned on the intuition, and now we must ask what we can do with it.

    What we can do with it is take the explosive qualities of the tan tien and translate them into sustained energy and more circular motion. This will enable me to polish EW to a high degree, elevate his production of energy, and ‘round off’ certain less than desired qualities, and enhance other attributes.

    Remember, a Black Belt, a True Black Belt, knows the universe runs backwards. Thus, we must bring him to a better physical condition, even while getting him to back off from effort, and thus produce more pure energy. Easy to do if you know how...never been done as I am describing it here.

    Past 2nd Black Belt we will do other arts. We (myself and EW) are cogitating on that, and I am analyzing EW’s progress before we make a final decision. There are several paths we could take, several arts to choose from, and we need to select the one which best suits him once he has finished the Shaolin Butterfly.

    Incidentally, the freestyle that I teach on the 2nd Black Belt Level and on this Level are unique, complimentary (if you know how and why they compliment each other) and will go far towards making EW a complete Martial Artist.

    The goal is to take EW all the way to Mastery within one year. That’s at least four different arts. That’s a high degree of polish, that’s a variety of martial arts brought together towards one goal, that’s a CBM of geometry and physics that has never before been achieved on this planet.


Here are a couple of segments from a letter I received.

    Afternoon, Mr. Case, as you already know I've been working on staying in my stances longer. I'm now up to 2 1/2 minutes. The pain radiates up my legs, then it progresses from there. I would like to get to 5 minutes any suggestions?

    ..internally it feels like I'm being pressurized some how, and that pressurizes my blood throughout my whole circulatory system. The Chinese believe that stagnate blood is the reason for pain in the body, it's only after doing stance work  that one realizes the value of what the Asian community has known for more than a thousand years.

I don’t recall the author (my apologies), somehow he got deleted when I saved, but the points he brings up are right on.

With horse stance training, go through the pain, it won’t kill you, so just face it and see where you are after you kick yourself in the butt and toughen up and tell yourself to go through it.

It does cause more energy to travel up the legs, into the tan tien and through the body. And these things are in the Asian arts, but sometimes they get bred out of the American arts. I mean, how long would little Johnny go to Karate class if he didn’t get to bring big trophies home, and if he was forced to endure a little (gasp) pain? Serious artists usually find a ‘school of pain,’ however, and so the art survives.

    Following are the words of Choi Hong Hi, Founder of Taekwon-Do:

"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to go to his class.

    Got a question? A comment? A win?

    How about a photo?

    Send it in!

Yogata is available at:





    Monster is doing great!

    Lot of work going on.

    Filming the Three Month Shaolin Butterfly Course, and this is really getting wild. We;re condensing and refining the energy that was created on the Three Month Black Belt Course, and really doing things.

    The book, Matrixing: The Master Test, is on CD. I still have to write a web page for it, but it will be less expensive. For those who want a fantastic deal, check out the blog:

There is a chance to get the Matrix Karate Course free, or to pay a greatly reduced price for Matrixing: The Master Text.

    That’s all, so enjoy the journal, and I’ll talk to you next month or so.



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For a thousand years

he has been the army

of an ancient discipline.

He does not get sick,

he cannot die.

Until now.

What the Heaven is going on?



Monster Journal is

Copyright © 2011 by Alton H. Case

Four filthy bikers,
a picnic gone awry,
and he didn’t even bring the mayonnaise!

Allen and his girlfriend were cooking hot dogs when four bikers pulled into the camping ground.


    It had been a beautiful day, the sun was setting, and Allen hugged Jeanine.

    “What we got here, man?”

    Allen turned to see the four bikers. They were scraggly, filthy, bearded, tattooed, and high.

    “Looks like we get the cupcake on this little picnic!”

    “Why don’t you pack up,” Allen indicated the remains of their picnic, and Jeanine dutifully began to wrap up food and put away plates.

    “Aw, ain’t that nice!”

    “I think you fellows have the wrong campsite,” said Allen, walking towards them.

    It was obvious what was in the bikers’ minds: mangle the kid, then dessert would be theirs.

    Unfortunately for them, Allen knew Monkey Boxing, and the only deserts they were going to be getting were  just deserts.

    One of them swung a heavy fist.


    Allen ducked the punch and popped the fellow between the legs. As the first biker fell down and starting barfing, the second biker tried a punch.

    Allen caught his punch between his forearms, it was the classic ‘Monkey in the Box’ technique, and Allen went to work.

    He moved his foot in and slap, crack, slap. Ribs and elbow were broken, and then Allen smacked his elbow straight into the dismal one’s grin. Teeth and blood flew through the air.

    Now the third biker moved in. He hadn’t been able to close before, but now he could, and he swung a mean looking length of chain.

    ZZZZZ! The length of linked steel whistled past Allen’s head, just missing him.

    Allen moved in behind the chain with a hop kick to the groin. The third biker gave a girlish cry, and bent over, his eyes round and bulging.

    Allen knuckled him in the side of the forehead, and it was lights out in dummyville.

    The fourth biker pulled out a gun and pointed it towards Allen. He only made one mistake, he was too close.

    Allen grabbed the gun and twisted it. The biker made a gurking sound as his trigger finger broke, then Allen had the gun.

    I had countless variations of styles.

    In short, I had sufficient data.

    I wrote down each technique on the back of a small card, and spread them out over my living room.

    There were thousands of these little, white cards, and one couldn't walk without disturbing them.

    My wife came home, and the look on her face, as she inspected the thousands of cards, made it obvious that she thought I had gone over the edge.

    Over the edge or not, I began categorizing the cards. I stacked certain techniques here, sorted other techniques there, and tried to make sense of the whole thing.

    I began tossing out cards.

    I tossed out duplicate techniques.

    I tossed out unreal techniques, where the dummy had to 'pose' for a moment so that the fellow working the technique could make it work.

    And the stacks of cards became smaller, and the mess began to resolve.

    Eventually, I had resolved the Martial Arts to some 72 'core' techniques.


   These were the only techniques that really worked, these were the only techniques that somebody needed to learn.

    Yet, even seventy-two techniques were too much.

    I worked the number down to sixty, then forty-eight, and finally forty.

    I started teaching the techniques to various students.

    Now here's something startling.

The first student I taught the techniques to, a fellow named Mike--yes, he is real, and this is not a BS story made up for advertising purposes--was suddenly working at a level several belts ahead of where he was.

    And the light went on in my head.

    Having the techniques, teaching them, seeing them work...

    I suddenly saw the overriding patterns of the martial arts.

    The price of this course is $29.85 + S & H..

    You get a CD (PDF format) with an instruction manual.

    You get two DVDs containing in depth instructions, and truck loads of data concerning applications.

    To get this course go to:



Doubtless, you are

asking yourself:

what the heck is

Monkey Boxing?!

    “Oh, shut up,” said Allen, and he slashed down on the biker’s beanie covered head with the .45.

    Four bikers lay on the ground. They were messed up, but good, and they had no one to thank but themselves.

    “Do you want me to drive?” asked Jeanine.

    “Why,” responded Allen, walking towards the car. The keys were jangling in his fist, and a grin was on his face.

    Monkey Boxing is the invention of Al Case. He created it after discovering Matrixing, and it is the art he chose to utilize and develop all the theories he had discovered.

    It is, in a word: perfect.

    And the story behind it is absolutely fascinating!



    (Excerpt from website)


    After some twenty-five years in the arts I decided that I had to find the solution I had been seeking. I had had enough of the mish mash, and I needed to find the truth of the Martial Arts.

    I began listing every technique I knew.

    I knew several different styles of karate, several styles of kung fu, Aikido, weapons, and so on.

    I had videos of all sorts of other arts.