Monster Journal #1

This image was crafted and submitted by

Master Instructor Angelo Pabon.

Thank you, Angelo.

If you have graphics which represent the art,

please submit.

The depth of your soul

will enlighten your fellow man.

Get notified when the next journal is out. Email me at:
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One of the Kang Duk Won Techniques that used to drive me crazy, and yet which proved of the utmost value, was the first movement out of Pinan (Heian) Three.

We set up the applications (called Promise Fights) like this. That would enable the defender to see what was coming.

First attack was a kick. We would bring  the feet together at the right distance and do the first move out of the form.


Second attack was a punch to the midsection. We followed the form.

Third move was the counter, you can see the fellow on the right turning the arm over for the grab. With some practice we made this move so fast it was workable even in freestyle, though not so rigid.


Here was the crux of the technique, we twisted, whole body, from the feet, and pulled the attacker into a horizontal backfist that literally took his head off.

What shocked me was not the usefulness of the technique, but the way you had to explode form the tan tien to make it work. It simply wouldn’t work if you didn’t explode from the tan tien and use the whole body as one unit. Thus, it became not just functional, but a ki builder par excellence.

That is the glory of classical applications.

Needless to say, I learned to love it, but it took a while, and a huge dollop of frustration.

This technique is from the old Kang Duk Won, which you can find in the Evolution of an Art course. If you’re interested in mastering the classical Karate arts,, Evolution of an Art is where you go.

Got an idea for an article?

Got a Matrixing win you’d like to share?

Got my address?



Got a question? A comment? A win?

How about a photo?

Here’s a great one…

David Hayes receiving Sandan

from Shihan Frank Lenten (6-23-10)

Here is David’s notation…

He (Shihan Lenten) promoted 13 people that day to various grades/ranks in Goju Ryu. He was instrumental in establishing karate in the central New york State area back in the early 60's. He passed way 7/2/2010, nine days after the promotions.~ Dave Hayes

I find this truly remarkable. Shihan Van Lenten knew he was due to take the next step, and wrapped up business before leaving. A deep bow, with thanks, to a True Martial Artist. Congrats and thanks for sharing to David Hayes.

Send me a pic of your promotion!

Or of any significant step in your journey!



The theory behind teaching martial arts is that if you just make the student memorize 500 techniques he’ll get everything. And, he might (and he might not!), but...what he has got is out of order, mushed together, and so, after spending three or four years memorizing techniques, he then needs to spend ten or twelve years letting the mush settle.

So, three or four years of monkey see monkey do, and you are a black belt.

Then ten or twelve years letting the mess congeal, and you are a master.

Isn’t that a long time?

It takes the US Army four months to make a soldier, which would be a military black belt.

Another year to year and a half make a Green Beret, which would be a master. (There are many advanced courses beyond this).

So why can’t we make a martial artist in three to four months, and a master in a couple of years?


We can, if we take out the mysticism and get down to the actual physics.

Unfortunately, when we bought into the martial arts, we bought into the ancient training methods, and the ancient training methods had no physics, nor even a language to speak of.

That is the essence of Matrixing, to establish an alphabet, a language, and a complete science whereby the martial arts--any martial art--can be learned within a few months.

Matrix Karate has the core principles of all Matrixing.



Monster is doing great!

Wife (Connie) has taken over two departments, Mail Room and Disk Production.

That frees me up to work on the Journal, the Newsletter, and production of the next course.

The next course, incidentally, is going to knock the world on its ear.

It’s a big one, so start saving your pennies.

Seriously, front punch to world, world falls over~Monster Rules!

I’m in the middle of filming right now.

Yogata is available at:




After you do Matrixing, I recommend Neutronics.

I don’t however, push Neutronics. It can be a little scary.

Now, that said, let me give you one of the smaller abilities that Neutronics can impart.

Please note that people are different, and they grow at different rates, so the abilities you experience may be different, odd, unique, and so on.

When I have a problem that I can’t solve, I write the problem on a piece of paper and place it next to my computer. I then go to sleep.

At about five in the morning I will awake with the solution.

Sure, you’ve heard the old phrase, ‘I’ll sleep on it.’

I don’t just sleep on it. I solve any problem I have, 100% of the time, through this method.

Now, you can try it for yourself, and just knowing what I have said here, chances are you’ll start to have success with this method.

Mind you, you have to know how to phrase the problem, and that is very similar to selecting a ‘keyword.’

And, you need the discipline of the martial arts. That establishes a structure from which you can launch yourself.

And, Matrixing will zoop you down the path towards this ability.

If this works for you, then you might consider Neutronics.


Okay, now for the important stuff!

I thank one and all for entries.

Winner is Howard Jai.

Mr. Matrix disposes of Mr. Illogical

Howard wins the download of…

‘Third Level Sixth Sense Swordfighting!

Actually, Howard wins more than that. Because the book is too big for download I am sending him ‘The Master Books.’

Thanks Howard.

Honorable Mentions go to Matthew Anderson~“That’s it, jerk.  Everybody is sick to death of tripping over their own feet!!!  Now leave.  It’s time for Matrixing!!!”

Thanks, Matthew!

Honorable mentions go to Peter Dwan.

Peter is the sole distributor for Monster Courses in Europe.  He doesn’t win anything, but he gets to shake his own hand and pat his own back.

Thanks Peter.

Monster Journal Copyright © 2011

by Alton H. Case



Okay, guys and gals, here’s the new contest photo. Best caption wins ‘The Master Books.’

Makes you blink, doesn’t it?

So send me a caption, and you might win ‘The Master Books.’

Contest will close on the Ides of March.

BTW, if you have a a pic that deserves a caption, send it to me. If you have a pic that gets used, I’ll send you ‘The Master Books.’

That’s right, you can win the contest just by sending in an over the top pic that says something, but we’re not sure what.

Send photos or entries to


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